adnan's kitchen


  • 1.5 - 2 cups of fine burghul (bulgur).
  • 1 kg. lean mutton or beef.
  • 1 medium size onion.
  • Salt, black pepper, allspice to taste



i Kibbeh
The name "Kibbeh" derives from the Arabic word "kubbah" meaning "ball" and is one of the Levantine cuisine's most widespread dishes. Kibbeh is made with bulghur (sometimes even with rice), meat (also fish, pumpkin or potatoes) and spices. There are different varieties (vegetarian, balls, oval-shaped, patties that are either baked, cooked in broth, yoghurt, bitter orange juice or fried and there's even one version that is very similar to tartare and consists of raw meat), but the most common of them is the torpedo-shaped croquettes that are stuffed with minced beef or lamb and are deep-fried.

Adnan's Kitchen
Kibbeh base


  1. Wash bulgur, drain and soak in water.
  2. Cut onion and mince in processor fine.
  3. Add meat and seasoning to pureed onions and process to paste.
  4. If processor cannot take all the quantity, do it in halves and mix well.
  5. Drain burgle and squeeze out excess water.
  6. Divide the meat mix into equal quantities.
  7. Process mix with the brghul, and some ice chips (optional) until well blended.
 Use this base to prepare other types of kibbeh
